ACK KirinyagaPillar News

Bishop Dr. Joseph Kibucwa Leads Inspiring Confirmation Service at ACK Karaini Parish

A profound moment of spiritual affirmation unfolded at ACK Karaini Parish, as Bishop Dr. Joseph Kibucwa presided over a confirmation service. The event, graced by the presence of Senator Kirinyaga, carried a message resonating with the essence of Christian devotion and endurance amidst challenges.

Confirmation of Parish and School Candidates

The confirmation ceremony held at ACK Karaini Parish was a union of local candidates from the parish and candidates from Mutira Girls High School. Under the guidance of Bishop Dr. Joseph Kibucwa, these individuals took a significant step in their spiritual journey, affirming their commitment to the Christian faith.

The Joy of Christian Suffering

Bishop Dr. Joseph Kibucwa delivered a powerful message on “the joy of Christian suffering” while wholeheartedly serving God. His words of wisdom and insight touched the hearts of all in attendance, emphasizing the transformative power of enduring trials in the name of faith.

Senator Kirinyaga’s Presence

The confirmation service was honored by the presence of Senator Kirinyaga, adding a sense of reverence to the occasion. His participation acknowledged the significance of the event within the local community and showcased the unity of faith across different spheres of influence.

A Testament to Faith and Resilience

The confirmation service at ACK Karaini Parish was a testament to the unwavering faith and resilience of the candidates. Under the guidance of Bishop Dr. Joseph Kibucwa, they stepped forward to embrace the challenges and joys that come with a life dedicated to serving God.

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