ACK KirinyagaPillar News

Resurrection Sermon Unveils Deep Encounters at St. Thomas Cathedral

In a thought-provoking sermon delivered at St. Thomas Cathedral, Bishop Dr. Joseph Kibucwa delved into the profound theme of resurrection, juxtaposing it with three transformative conversion stories inspired by the risen Jesus. Congregants were treated to insights into these mysterious encounters and their relevance to contemporary faith.

The sermon began with the reconversion of Peter, highlighting his initial struggle with pride and judgmental attitudes. Through a divine encounter with the risen Christ, Peter’s perspective shifted, leading to a profound realization of God’s inclusive love for all.

Next, the focus turned to the conversion of Cornelius, a man known for his integrity and piety. Despite his moral standing, Cornelius still required the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Through Peter’s introduction to Jesus, Cornelius and his household experienced a powerful spiritual rebirth.

Lastly, the sermon examined the conversion of Paul, once a notorious persecutor of Christians. His encounter with the risen Christ on the road to Damascus led to a radical transformation, illustrating that even the most hardened hearts can be softened by divine grace.

As the congregation reflected on these stories, they were challenged to consider their own encounters with Jesus. The question posed was clear: in this time, who are you planning to meet? The service, enriched by three holy communions and a confirmation, was presided over by Rt Rev Dr. Joseph Karimi Kibucwa, offering a profound spiritual experience for all in attendance.

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