ACK KirinyagaPillar News

Bishop Dr. Joseph Kibucwa Guides Confirmation and Fundraising Service at Kiumbu Church, Ndindiruku Parish

Bishop Dr. Joseph Kibucwa led a meaningful worship service today, combining a significant confirmation ceremony with a fundraising initiative aimed at roofing the new Kiumbu Church, located in Ndindiruku Parish. The sermon, inspired by Psalm 126, illuminated the themes of freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in the context of God’s redeeming grace.

Key Service Highlights:

  1. Sermon Inspired by Psalm 126: The sermon revolved around the joyous emotions experienced by the Israelites due to God’s redemption. Bishop Dr. Joseph Kibucwa touched upon the profound happiness resulting from freedom – freedom from sin, debts, illnesses, and other burdens.
  2. Confirmation of Over 100 Candidates: Among the significant events of the service was the confirmation of over 100 candidates. This sacred ritual symbolizes a significant spiritual milestone in their lives as they commit themselves to their faith journey.
  3. Fundraising for the New Church Roof: Alongside the confirmation, a fundraising initiative was launched to facilitate the roofing of the new Kiumbu Church. This initiative aimed to garner support and resources to complete this vital construction project.

Host and Vicar

The service was hosted by Reverend John Bundi, providing a welcoming atmosphere for all congregants and attendees.

Bishop Dr. Joseph Kibucwa’s leadership in guiding the confirmation service and supporting the fundraising initiative for the Kiumbu Church marks a crucial step in the spiritual and infrastructural development of Ndindiruku Parish. The event celebrated not only faith but also the community’s unity and commitment to their shared spiritual home.

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