ACK KirinyagaPillar News

Licensing of Lay Readers: Emulating Gaius, Diotrephes, and Demetrius in Christian Service

The licensing of lay readers was a profound occasion steeped in the teachings of 3 John 1:1, where John addressed the challenges of his time—heresies such as Gnosticism and Docetism. These teachings highlighted the importance of humility and truth in the Christian walk. The ceremony, held at St. Thomas Cathedral, was presided over by Bishop Dr. Joseph Kibucwa.

Key Teachings from 3 John 1:1:

  1. Gaius: Gaius exemplified commendable ministry, bringing joy to believers despite facing opposition orchestrated by Diotrephes. The message urged lay readers and Christians to follow Gaius’ admirable example of dedicated service.
  2. Diotrephes: Contrasting Gaius’ actions, Diotrephes served his own interests, rejecting leadership and authority. His use of harmful words and refusal of hospitality reflected a self-serving nature that hindered the work of others.
  3. Demetrius: Demetrius received a commendable report and stood for truth, aligning with the values John advocated. His character symbolized the importance of truth and integrity in Christian service.

Key Lessons Emphasized:

  1. Commitment to Truth: The importance of living truthfully and authentically in Christian life.
  2. Privilege of Serving God: Acknowledging the immense privilege in serving God and sharing His love.
  3. Showing Love: Extending love and hospitality to all, especially strangers, echoing the Christian virtue of welcome and inclusivity.
  4. Supporting Missionaries: Upholding support and encouragement for those sent as missionaries.

Guest Bishop’s Insights

The guest Bishop urged continued reading and meditation on God’s Word as a fundamental practice for all Christians, underscoring the significance of spiritual growth and understanding.

The licensing of 68 lay readers became an embodiment of the teachings of 3 John 1:1, encouraging individuals to embody the virtues of Gaius and Demetrius while avoiding the pitfalls exemplified by Diotrephes in their service to God and the Church.

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