ACK KirinyagaPillar News

Exploring Agricultural Sabotage: Parables and Confirmations at Kariru Parish

A unique event recently unfolded at Kariru Parish, marked by the confirmation of 49 candidates and the inauguration of a new hall. Rooted in the teachings of Matthew 13:24-39, the event delved into a powerful parable that intertwined agricultural symbolism with lessons of good and evil, culminating in an engaging reflection on the modern church’s stance.

Parable of Good Seed and Tares

The parable, found in the narrative between the Sower and mustard seed stories, draws parallels from agricultural practices. It speaks of a farmer who sowed good seed, only to have an antagonist – a saboteur – introduce bad seed into the same field. This twist reveals a poignant metaphor for the coexistence of good and evil.

Interpretation and Symbolism

In verse 37, Jesus identifies the farmer as the Son of Man, who represents the Kingdom of God. The good seed represents the children of the Kingdom, while the bad seed signifies those aligned with the evil Kingdom. The saboteur’s role highlights the disruptive force that attempts to undermine positive growth.

A Call to Reflection and Repentance

Jesus’s explanation in verse 39 reinforces the idea of a dual existence, where good and evil grow together until the culmination of time. The preacher at the event urged the congregation to contemplate the parallels between this parable and the modern church. The central question arose: Who possesses the authority to differentiate between good and bad within the church?

Looking Towards the Future

The event concluded on a thought-provoking note, echoing Jesus’s assertion that at the end of times, the separation of good and evil will occur. Those who sowed seeds of sabotage and disruption will face the consequences of their actions.

Celebrating Confirmations and Unity

Amidst these profound reflections, the occasion celebrated the confirmation of 49 candidates, marking a significant step in their spiritual journey. The presiding bishop, Dr. Joseph Kibucwa, led the proceedings, infusing the event with his spiritual guidance and leadership.


The Confirmation and Hall Opening event at Kariru Parish not only symbolized the growth and evolution of faith but also provided an opportunity for introspection. Through the lens of the parable of good seed and tares, attendees explored the concept of coexisting good and evil, prompting a deeper understanding of the modern church’s dynamics. As candidates were confirmed and the congregation pondered the parable’s lessons, the event emphasized the importance of unity, reflection, and a hopeful future guided by the wisdom of faith.

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